Thursday, January 19, 2012

Joy Does Come in the Morning, Don't Let the Discouragement of Today Define Your Tomorrows.

Just realized that ever milestone in me and Kendra relationship has an interesting story. Recently me and Kendra worked  a puzzle for our first anniversary. We worked the 1000 piece puzzle for hours trying to get the puzzle done. The puzzle was taking up precious time and becoming an obsession. The puzzle was just about through went we noticed that two pieces to the puzzle were missing. We looked everywhere for the pieces. Today I called Grandma and found out that Grandma had found the puzzle pieces at her cabin where me and Kendra spent our anniversary. I think that God makes ever milestone in my marriage  interesting so that they can  become teaching moment for others. God taught me with this lesson that you may think a situation is hopeless, (we were going to get a new puzzle) but patience will always reveal the truth. This may sound simplified but God has shown me this lesson in more dramatic ways (like waiting 30 years to get married). Joy does come in the morning (Psalms 30:5) don't let today define your tomorrows. Just think of all the instances in the bible where the situation seemed hopeless but God turned the situation around. For example: Jesus being crucified (hopeless situation from the point of view of the disciples) and then His Resurrection ( hopelessness became victory). Look at the situation with Lazarus, or Ester, hopelessness turned into victory.

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